The Trihata Karana Award

The Tri Hita Karana is a Balinese Hindu philosophical concept that emphasizes the importance of maintaining harmony and balance in life by nurturing three key relationships. These relationships are known as the "Three Elements of Tri Hita Karana. The following is a more in depth explanation about this unique concept. 
This element relates to the spiritual and divine realm. It involves maintaining a harmonious relationship between humans and the gods, spirits, and the unseen forces that influence life. Balinese Hinduism places a strong emphasis on rituals, ceremonies, and offerings to appease and honor these divine entities. Temples (pura) are essential in the practice of Parahyangan, and they are places of worship and offerings.

The Pawongan element focuses on human-to-human relationships. It involves maintaining harmony and balance between individuals, families, communities, and society as a whole. This element emphasizes social and communal responsibilities, respect for others, and cooperation. Balinese culture places great importance on mutual support, respect for elders, and maintaining a sense of community.

Palemahan refers to the relationship between humans and the natural environment. It emphasizes the importance of maintaining harmony with nature and the ecosystem. This element encourages sustainable and responsible interactions with the environment, including practices like sustainable agriculture, responsible resource management, and conservation efforts. Balinese communities often conduct rituals and ceremonies to show gratitude to nature and seek its blessings.

Tri Hita Karana is a philosophy of life or a way of life to achieve the goals of human life. The purpose of human life is to achieve happiness. In Hinduism, the goal of human life is often described in terms of the "Catur Purusharthas" or the "Four Aims of Human Life." These four aims encompass the various aspects and pursuits that individuals should consider during their journey in life. They are:
Dharma: Dharma refers to righteousness, duty, and moral and ethical obligations. It is the pursuit of living a virtuous and ethical life, fulfilling one's responsibilities and duties towards oneself, society, and the cosmos. Dharma provides the moral and ethical framework for how one should live.

Artha represents material prosperity, wealth, and economic well-being. It involves the pursuit of wealth and success to support oneself and one's family, as well as to contribute to the welfare of society. However, it is expected to be pursued with integrity and in alignment with dharma.

Kama pertains to the enjoyment of desires, pleasure, and sensuality. It involves pursuing the pleasures of the senses and enjoying life's sensual and aesthetic experiences. Kama, too, is subject to certain ethical guidelines and should not conflict with dharma.

Moksha is the ultimate aim of life in Hinduism. It signifies liberation from the cycle of birth and death (samsara) and the union of the individual soul (Atman) with the universal consciousness (Brahman). Achieving moksha is seen as the ultimate spiritual realization and the end of suffering.

These four pursuits together provide a comprehensive framework for leading a balanced and fulfilling life. Balancing and integrating these aims are considered essential for personal and spiritual growth in Hinduism. While they are often presented as distinct pursuits, they are interconnected, and individuals are encouraged to pursue them in harmony and accordance with their stage of life (ashrama) and individual disposition (svadharma).  Tri Hita Karana, the timeless concept of life teachings, is still very relevant to be implemented in the current millennium era.

The concept of Tri Hita Karana is a guiding principle in Balinese life and culture, influencing various aspects of daily life, including religion, social interactions, and environmental stewardship. Balinese people believe that by maintaining balance and harmony in these three relationships, they can achieve well-being and prosperity in their lives.

The "Tri Hita Karana" Award is an initiative that recognizes and rewards individuals, organizations, and businesses in Bali that have made significant contributions to achieving this harmony and balance. The award aims to promote sustainable and responsible tourism, environmental conservation, and cultural preservation in Bali.

The award is typically given in various categories, such as hotels, restaurants, cultural institutions, and individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to the principles of "Tri Hita Karana" in their practices and operations. It encourages recipients to continue their efforts to promote a sustainable and harmonious way of life in Bali.

In 2019 the group of Plataran Bali is pleased and honored to have received four prestigious awards in recognition of our significant achievements in implementing Tri Hita Karana values into Plataran Hotels & Resorts in Bali.

All the awards goes to our four different properties with details below:
1. Gold Award – Plataran Canggu Resort & Spa
2. Gold Award – Plataran Menjangan Resort & Spa
3. Gold Award – Plataran L'Harmonie
4. Gold Award – Plataran Ubud Hotel & Spa

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