Way Kambas National Park

An elephant is a gift from God that is used to look after his creation.
Located in Lampung, this national park is blessed by God for its diversity to be home to elephants.
  • 125.621,30 Ha
  • Sumatran Elephant, Sumatran Rhinoceros, Sumatran Dhole, Crested Fireback, Woolly-necked Stork, Oriental Darter, White-winged Duck, False Gharial, Grey Mangrove, White Paperbark, Puspa, Keruing

Land of Hope for Sumatran Rhino

Several enormous species, including elephants, rhinoceroses, tigers, and sloth bears, may be found at Way Kambas National Park. Only 200 Sumatran rhinos remain in the wild today, but Way Kambas takes care of four of them to ensure their survival. Rainforest, mangrove, marsh, and riparian forests all contribute to the park's flora. Along with the wildlife, there are certain plants, such as N. Gracillis, N. Mirabilis, N. Ampullaria, and N. Rafflesiana.

A country of hope provided by God to bind variety.

Due to ethnic differences, the social life is very diverse in terms of culture in addition to the flora and animals. a variety of tribes from various regions, such as the Malay, Bugis, Serang, and Batak. however it reduces the size of this neighborhood.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • Januari - May (When Rafflesia blooming)
      • Jakarta - Tanjung Karang: 45 minutes by plane
        Bandar Lampung - Metro - Way Jepara: 2 hour driving
      • Branti - Metro - Way Jepara: 1 hour 30 minutes driving
      • Bakauheni - Panjang - Sribawono - Way Jepara: 3 hour driving
      • Bakauheni - Labuan Meringgai - Way Kambas: 3 hour drivingsper
  • Contact Park

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