Tesso Nilo National Park

Visit a national park with the special experience of witnessing nature's freedom and biodiversity by interacting with huge beasts such as gentle elephants.
Located in the Riau Archipelago, which is a rich emerald-like area because it has a lot of tropical biodiversity.
  • 81.793 Ha
  • Sumatran Elephant, Sumatran Tiger

Getting Intimate with the Nature of Sumatera

Provides an exciting adventure with a wild and free sensation with the animals that lives in this national park. Interacting with Sumatran elephants, feeding, bathing, and riding them to patrol the jungle is one of the activities available. This national park has 360 kinds of plants from 165 families and 57 genera on each acre.

This national park is home to various endangered species, including Kempas (Koompassia Malaccensis), Jelutung (Dyera Costulata), Kayu Kulim (Scorodocarpus Borneensis), Keranji (Dialium Platysepalum), and Merantai Tupai (Shorea Acuminata).

Tesso Nilo showcases both the natural and cultural splendor of the region.

In addition to fostering biodiversity and preserving the local culture, the residents in this national park still believe that trees are the source of their riches and should not be cut down. For the restriction, a customary law was also developed. Anyone who violates it will face the appropriate repercussions for their conduct.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • All years round except from June to September
      • Jakarta - Pekanbaru: 2 hour 
      • Pekanbaru - Pangkalan Kerinci: 1 hour 30 minutes driving
      • Pangkalan Kerinci - Ukui Lubuk Kembang Bunga: 3 hour driving
  • Contact Park

    • Tesso Nilo National Park
      Jl. Langgam Km.4 Kotak Pos 1 Pangkalan, Kerinci, Pelalawan, Riau

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