Kerinci Seblat National Park

Tourists' desires can be satiated by the mountain, which has been designated a global heritage site and is home to a number of intriguing features.
West Sumatra is home to mist-covered mountains with a variety of legends that may help tourists feel close to nature.
  • 1.389.509,867 Ha
  • Sumatran Tiger, Clouded Leopard, Marbled Cat, Leopard Cat, Asian Golden Cat, Sumatran Dhole, Sumatran Muntjak, Malayan Tapir, Malayan Sun Bear, Sumatran Elephant, Sumatran Ground Cuckoo, Rafflesia

Top of The Earth in Andalas Land

Due to the park's rich biodiversity, it has been designated a world heritage site. Tourists must develop their patience, endurance, and talent in order to climb the mountain, which offers a very attractive summit that is not simple to achieve. The beauty of the top will make up for the extremely high risk on the way there. Take it slowly; a dependable climber who is familiar with the route will be with you on this walk. As a result, if we adhere to the leader's instructions, everything will be secure.

A stunning mountain with an intriguing mystery narrative

Lake Bontak is one of several locations to explore in this national park. The lush forest that encircles the lake might make one shiver. Kerinci Seblat National Park has a secret narrative behind its beauty. However, that is what ensures that this location will endure from one generation to the next.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • June - August
      • Jakarta - Padang: 1 hour 45 minute by plane
        Padang - Sungai Penuh: 7 hour driving
        Padang - Muaralabuh - Kersik Tuo: 6 hour driving
        Muara Siberut/Muara Sikabupatenaluan/Muara Saibi: 4 hour by speedboat
      • Jakarta - Jambi: 1 Hour by plane
        Jambi - Sarolangun - Bangko - Sungai Penuh: 9 hour driving
      • Jakarta - Bengkulu: 1 hour by plane
        Bengkulu - Tapan - Sungai Penuh: 9 hour driving
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