Gunung Maras National Park

For those who enjoy climbing, Bukit Maras and Bukit Idat are the two most well-known summits on Mount Maras.
On Bangka Island, specifically in Rambang Village, Riau Silip' Subdistrict, Bangka Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, Mount Maras is a mountain.
  • 189,208.17 Ha
  • Golden Palm Civet, Monitor Lizard, Horsfieldu2019s Tarsier, Sunda Pangolin, Red Pelawan tree, Sungon Pelawan tree, Mengkirai tree, Turus Jackfruit, Cempedak tree, Para Rubber tree, Johar, River Tamarind

The Only Highest Point in Bangka Island

Mount Maras National Park is divided into two sub-districts: Riau Silip and Kelapa, Bangka Barat, and Bangka District, Bangka Belitung Province. The uniqueness of Mount Maras is demonstrated by its diversity in ecosystem types which is unified in one landscape, mangrove, mountain forest and lowland forest. This national park is habitat for 53 tree species such as Pithecellobium sp, Palaquium doratum,etc. Mount Maras, together with Nangka, Terang, Tambun, Tulang, and Perayun, is located on the island of Bangka. The word "mountain" for Maras is rare. The term "electronic commerce" refers to the sale of electronic goods.

The highlands of Bangka Island are picturesque, and Gunung Maras National Park must be conserved.

Behind the natural grandeur of Tambun Tulang Hill, there is a local myth that there lies a pile of human bones. Tulang means "bone" in Indonesian. Anyone who climbs inside this slope will never be able to get out. The term "independent" refers to a person who does not work for the government. They will stay till they die, leaving only their bones behind. This belief is called Legenda Aur Perindu.
  • Location & How To Get There

      1. Jakarta - Bangka - Kota Pangkal Pinang - Gunung Maras: 2 hours 30 minutes driving
  • Contact Park

    • Gunung Maras National Park
      Balai KSDA Sumatera Selatan, Jl. Kol II Berlian/Punti Kayu Km.6 No.79 Kode Pos 1288, Palembang 30152, Sumatera Selatan

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