Gunung Leuser National Park

The secret beauty of North Sumatra that you may experience by stepping out closer with the elephants in the Tangkahan ecotourism trip represents only a small portion of Gunung Leuser National Park's richness.
Located in North Sumatra, this national park is claimed as the largest and plenty tropical sanctuary on earth
  • 838.872 Ha
  • Sumatran Orangutan, Siamang, Sumatran Elephant, Sumatran Tiger, Sumatran Rhinoceros, Sumatran Serow, Sambar deer, Leopard cat, Rafflesia (R. Arnoldii, R. micropylora, R. rochussenii, R. atjehensis)

Down to the Greatness of Tropical Sanctuary

Riding an elephant into the secret beauty of North Sumatra, you'll be joined by the morning dew on your skin and the relaxing murmur of the river. Visitors to this National Park may enjoy a variety of attractions. Natural landscape, remoteness, and the discovery of new species of Rafflesia Flowers are all highlights. This National Park also serves as a rehabilitation facility for orangutans, allowing us to connect intimately with the existing diversity.   

Leuser Ecosystem is the largest and richest tropical sanctuary on earth

The Leuser Ecosystem has been designated as the world's largest and richest tropical nature reserve due to its immense biodiversity. Many tropical creatures, like the Sumatran Tiger and Sumatran Rhino, dwell here. As a result, there are many activities to do in this location, such as rafting in rapid river flows, helping to secure the forest with forest patrol elephants, and trekking among large umbrella leaves.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • June - October
      • Jakarta - Medan: 2 hour 30 minutes by plane 
      • Medan - Kutacane: 7 Hours driving 
      • Gurah/Ketambe: 30 Minutes driving
      • Medan - Bohorok or Bukit Lawang: 2 Hours 30 Minutes driving 
      • Medan - Sei Betung atau Sekundur: 3 Hour 30 Minutes driving
      • Medan - Tapaktuan: 10 Hour driving
  • Contact Park

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