Bukit Tigapuluh National Park

The 4 ecosystems that make up the scenery of Bukit Tigapuluh National Park let you feel the humidity of the tropical air.
In the heart of Sumatra's lowlands, Bukit Tigapuluh National Park is spread out across a series of rugged hills.
  • 144.223 Ha
  • Rafflesia Arnoldii, Orang utan, Asian tapir, Sun bear, Malayan chivet

A Perfect Harmony Between Culture and Nature

This national park has a number of hamlets, including Lemang Hamlet and Datai Hamlet, making it a hub of activity for the local community while yet maintaining its natural beauty. Tourists to Tatai Hamlet can interact with the Talang Mamak, who live in peace with nature. This interaction can help visitors learn more about the customs and values that these people uphold. We may be able to observe how the Talang Mamak tribe conducts traditional rites if the timing of our visit is appropriate.

Discover 4 ecosystems all in one location, together with the grace and sincerity of the people.

While taking in the natural surroundings in this national park, we may observe wild creatures at work. Tembelung Berasap Waterfall can refresh you if you enjoy water travel. Camp Granit, a historic mining location, is also available to photographers.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • March - July
      • Jakarta - Pekanbaru: 2 hour by plane
        Pekanbaru - Pematang Reba: 4 hour driving
        Pematang Reba - Siberida: 1 hour 30 minute driving
        Siberida - Resort Siambul: 1 hour 30 minute driving
      • Pekanbaru - Pematang Reba: 4 hour driving
        Pematang Reba - Camp Granit: 2 hour driving
      • Tembilah Harbour - Pematang Reba: 3 hour driving 
        Pematang Reba - Camp Granit: 2 hour driving
      • Jambi - Pematang Reba: 6 hour driving 
        Pematang Reba - Camp Granit: 2 hour driving
  • Contact Park

    • Bukit Tigapuluh National Park
      Jl. Lintas Sumatera Km.3 Rengat Barat, Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu, Riau

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