Bukit Duabelas National Park

The mountain, which has been designated a world heritage site, also contains numerous secrets and lovely spots that might satisfy travelers' demands.
This National Park, as the name suggests, consists of 12 hills spread in a sanctuary of 60,500 hectares across three districts with stunning natural landscapes.
  • 54.780,40 Ha
  • Siamang, Clouded Leopard, Java Mouse-deer, Sun Bear, Sumatran Muntjac, Leopard Cat, Dhole, Sumatran Striped Rabbit, Hairy-nosed Otter, Crested Serpent Eagle, Bornean Ironwood, Bangris, Jelutong

Home to the Tribe of Orang Rimba

For decades, the indigenous Anak Dalam tribe has called the National Park home, ensuring the survival of their culture and customs. The mixture of natural woodland hills and waterways is an intriguing natural blend to discover. Bukit Dua Belas is home to a diverse range of wildlife and plants, including the Sumatran striped rabbit, Sumatran Lutra, mountain goat, siamang, sun bear, and other fascinating creatures. In addition, 41 orchid species exist in this region for the sake of knowledge, education, research, and the use of nature.

Travel with the Orang Rimba, who have a vibrant natural and cultural life.

We may enjoy a variety of natural features, such as waterfalls, caverns, and ancient rock monuments. The Tereng Cave on the Tereng River is a must-see. This cave was formed millions of years ago by natural processes. Staying overnight in a tent and mingling with the living activities of the Orang Rimba through traditions and customs will be an experience for you.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • September - December
      • Jakarta - Jambi: 1 hour by plane
        Jambi - Pauh: 4 hour driving
        Pematang Kabau: 3 hour driving
      • Jakarta - Padang: 1 hour by plane
        Muara Bungo - Margoyoso - Air Hitam Ulu - Pematang Kabau: 12 hour driving
  • Contact Park

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