Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park

Bukit Barisan is a national park with 4 lakes that are shrouded in white mist that was created by a mountain eruption.
Located on the southern edge of the Bukit Barisan Selatan Mountains, it provides spectacular views of the pristine highland rainforest canopy as well as cool fresh air.
  • 347.080,75 Ha
  • Black-crested Sumatran Langur, Sun Bear, Malayan Tapir, Kanchil, Sumatran Striped Rabbit, Sumatran Ground Cuckoo, Titan Arum, Giant Padma, Gonystylus bancanus, Anisoptera curtisii, Giant Orchid

The Southern Nature of Bukit Barisan Selatan

This National Park is home to huge creatures such as the Sumatran Tiger, Sumatran Elephant, Sumatran Rhinoceros. There are many additional sights that make this national park a must-see, such as Lake Suoh, a natural phenomena that is constantly inflated owing to volcanic activity under the sea, such that white steam wraps this lake. This region's creation also has an intriguing backstory. Once upon a time, the Earth Hantatai kingdom was part of the Skala Berak kingdom; however, a natural calamity in the form of an earthquake, followed by the eruption of Mount Suoh in 1933, destroyed the Bumi Hantatai kingdom with the ground. As a result of the eruption, four lakes were formed: Asam Lake, Lebar Lake, Minyak Lake, and Belibis Lake.

A natural disaster that makes beauty infinite 

You may do a number of things in this national park, including visiting Sepapa Kiri Waterfall to rejuvenate your body and soul. Another choice is Tampang Belimbing. The most fascinating thing is to go through the forest while observing various natural flora, such as the Rafflesia Arnoldi, which is blooming 3–4 meters above the ground, as well as countless other plants and shelters for indigenous Sumatran animals.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • Januari - May (When Rafflesia blooming)
      • Jakarta - Bandar Lampung: 45 Minutes by plane / 7 hours driving
        Bandar Lampung - Suoh: 4 hours driving
        Bandar Lampung - Tampang Belimbing: 10 hours by speedboat / 30 minutes by plane
        Bandar Lampung - Kota Agung: 4 hours driving
        Kota Agung - Sukaraja Atas - Suniberejo - Muara Pemerihan: 1 hours 30 minutes driving
        Bandar Lampung - Kota Bumi - Bukit Kemuning - Liwa: 5 hours driving
        Bandar Lampung - Kota Agung - Krui - Menula: 7 hours driving
        Bandar Lampung - Kota Bumi - Bukit Kemuning - Liwa - Krui - Menula: 9 hours driving
  • Contact Park

    • Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park
      Jl. Ir.H.Juanda. No 19 Kota agung, Tanggamus, Provinsi Lampung 35751

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