Berbak National Park

The pristine National Park offers breath-taking natural scenery, streams, bird music, and softly flowing winds for the ideal acoustic experience.
The largest international wetland protection area in Southeast Asia is located in a region with significant woods and is split by rivers.
  • 162.700 Ha
  • Sumatran Tiger, Malayan Tapir, Sumatran Rhinoceros, Chinese Egret, Lesser Adjutant, White-winged Duck, Northern River Terrapin, Saltwater Crocodile, Sumatra Barb, Johannesteijsmannia, Loranthaceae

Understanding The Carbon Catchment Area

Due to its biodiversity, the park, which is made up of huge swamps and rivers, is the location in the world that absorbs the most carbon. The wood, leaves, bark, and roots are what make the soil acidic and have a high humus content, making this site unique in that it is a national park that is flooded all year long.

Take in the beautiful surroundings amid the greatest carbon sequestration jewel on earth

In addition to witnessing wildlife, visitors to this national park may engage in a variety of activities such as boating in the river, climbing, warming up in the sun, or simply unwinding to the sound of the wind and water.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • Maret - November
      • Jakarta - Jambi: 1 hour by plane
        Jambi - Suak Kandis: 1 hour 30 minute driving
        Suak Kandis - Air Hitam Dalam: 30 minute by speedboat
      • Jambi - Air Hitam Dalam: 2 hour 30 minute by speedboat
      • Jambi - Suak Kandis: 1 hour 30 minute driving
        Suak Kandis - Nipah Panjang: 1 hour 30 minute by speedboat
        Nipah Panjang - Air Hitam Laut: 2 hour by speedboat
      • Jambi - Nipah Panjang - Air Hitam Laut: 5-8 hour by speedboat
        Air Hitam Laut - Sei Cemara: 1 hour by motorbike
  • Contact Park

    • Berbak National Park
      Jl. Yos Sudarso Km. 4 PO Box 122, Sejinjang, East Jambi

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