Wakatobi National Park

Wakatobi is seen as a small archipelago and is the center of the Coral Triangle.
Travelers are welcome to drop their anchors from one pier to another at Southeast Sulawesi's Wakatobi National Park.
  • 1.390.000 Ha
  • Malaysian Plover, Eurasian Kingfisher, Brown Booby, Hawksbill Sea Turtle, Loggerhead Sea Turtle, Olive Ridley Sea Turtle, Green Sea Turtle, Grouper Fish, Mangroves, Corals

The Heartbeat of Coral Triangle

The names of the nearby islands -Wangi-wangi, Kaledupa, Tomia, and Binongko- are the source of the name Wakatobi. The reason for the additional term "Iron Island" is that each of these islands can only be reached by ship, which must be anchored with an anchor. Wakatobi, as we all know, has an exquisite aquatic appeal. Invisibly, we can make out groups of barrier reefs, ring reefs, peripheral reefs, and reefs made of burnt coral.

Paradise under the ocean.

To make the dive even better, several coral species that make up the atoll, including Kaledupa Atoll, Kapota Atoll, and Tomia Atoll, receive the most uncommon category. There is also Hoga Island, which is twisting and includes underwater cliffs. Waha village also includes coral reef slopes and a steep ocean landscape. Many soft corals and other kinds of coral reefs are present at its peak.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • April - June, October - December
      1. Jakarta - Kendari: 2 hour 55 minutes by plane

      Makassar - Bau - Bau: 1 hour by plane

      1. Kendari - Wakatobi/Pulau Wangi - Wangi: 45 minutes by plane/ 12 hour by speedboat

      Wakatobi - Kaledupa: 1 hour by speedboat/ 2 hour small boat

      1. Wangi-Wangi - Tomia: 2 hour by speedboat
      2. Kendari - Hoga/Kaledupa: 15 hour by speedboat

      Bau-bau - Binongko: 1 hour by small boat

  • Contact Park

    • Wakatobi National Park
      Jl. Dayanu Ikhsanuddin No. 71 Bau-Bau 93724

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