Rawa Aopa Watumohai National Park

The park functions as a vast water catchment system for the island, and it is designated as a Ramsar Site across the world.
Watumohai National Park, which stretches from the tip of South East Sulawesi to Rawa Aopa, has a key duty to safeguard the Wallacea wetland environment.
  • 105.194 Ha
  • Spectral Tarsier, Booted Macaque, Babirusa, Lowland Anoa, Mountain Anoa, Sulawesi Civet, Necked Stork, Collared Kingfisher, Vinous-breasted Sparrowhawk, Nicobar Pigeon, Large-leafed Orange Mangrove

The Wallacea at The Foot of Sulawesi

The Aopa Swamp wetlands are home to 155 bird species, 32 of which are endangered. The Arowelli bird, a migratory bird that enjoys cruising in marshes and on beaches, is one of them. This national park has a tiny lake known as Lake Hope, which is surrounded by marshy regions. Because the lake is shaped like a vast basin, it will serve as a reserve of water for the requirements of the surrounding population.

A hope that is able to support the natural life around it

There are various fascinating places to visit, including the monitoring tower on the island of hope, from where you can admire the beauty of the grass that covers an area of 23,000 Aopa Swamps. Exploring the river and pausing at the Maleo nesting sites is a fascinating experience, especially when accompanied by little hills that mimic waves in green grass. There is a more severe option, which is to begin the trip in the savannah and end at the summit of Mount Watomohai, passing through the hillside where timor deer are foraging. Then, in December, take a break and participate in the Tolaki Festival, which will expand your knowledge and experience.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • June - October
      1. Jakarta - Kendari: 2 hour 55 minutes flight

      Kendari - Lanowulu: 2 hour driving

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