Gandang Dewata National Park

One of the conservation zones on the island of Sulawesi that takes the shape of a national park is Gandang Dewata.
Mount Gandang Dewata, the second tallest mountain in the Quarles Mountains, and a cluster of rocky mountains with tropical forest types stretching from the center portion of Sulawesi to the west, sout
  • 189,208.17 Ha
  • Anoa, Hornbill, Shrub Frogs, Sulawesi Goshawk, Sulawesi Hawk-eagle, Monkeys, Rattan, Sacred Fig, Orchids

The Sound of God

The second highest peak on Sulawesi Island after Mount Rante Mario, this mountain is one of the tallest in West Sulawesi's Quarles high mountain range. The local folklore holds that Gandang, which means drum, and Dewata, which means deity, are united to form Gendang Dewa. When residents in Mamasa beat a drum as part of a dying ceremony, a chunk of stone in the shape of a drum creates an echoing sound. Others, though, believe the noise to be the voice of God.

God's beauty, which tells countless stories, and nature's beauty

On the island of Sulawesi, there is a park-like conservation area known as Gandang Dewata. Only when events involving climbing activities take place are people aware of this location, which is still relatively unknown. Animals of several indigenous species can be found here. According to research, the species of creatures that reside in this park are unique and have no counterparts anyplace else in the globe, which attracts visitors on their own.

Because of the difficulty in reaching its top, Mount Gandang Dewata, which rises to a height of 3,037 meters above sea level, is a mountain that many nature enthusiasts dream of climbing. You'll pass by streams, tree rows, bamboo forests, and moss forests along the journey, which might help you stay motivated while ascending.
  • Location & How To Get There

      1. Jakarta - Makassar - Mamasa


      1. Jakarta - Makassar - Panaikang - Polewali - Mamasa - Rante Pongko: 10 hours
  • Contact Park

    • Gandang Dewata National Park
      Balai Besar KSDA Sulawesi Selatan, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km. 13,7 Makassar, South Sulawesi

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