Bunaken National Park

Bunaken is renowned as a diving enthusiast's paradise all over the world.
A popular site for marine tourists in the nation, Bunaken Island is a component of Bunaken National Park, which is situated near Manado, North Sulawesi.
  • 89.065 Ha
  • Gulls, Herons, Sea Doves, Storks, Mangroves, Woka, Silar, Coconut, King Fish, Emperor Angelfish, Longfin Yellowtail, Spotted Seahorse, Bluestripe Snapper, Pinkish Basslet, Two-lined Monocle Bream

Dive in the King of the Sea

There are 19 dive sites in Bunaken, each with its own distinctive qualities and a variety of marine life and coral reefs. It is a tourist paradise for divers. This national park is particularly visitor-friendly, with accommodation options including hotels, villas, homestays, diving schools, and a variety of food vendors that are conveniently located for visitors. Additionally, there are shops where you may purchase trinkets as a memento of your trip to Bunaken. Visitors who do not have their own diving gear need not worry because they may rent it for a reasonable fee.


Because of its unique and endless beauty, the undersea world feels like heaven.


Bunaken is a fantastic habitat for water birds since it is also a conservation area for tree and mangrove growth. You may dive at Bunaken and see the Sea King Fish, an ancient fish that has never been seen anywhere else. Edge Reef and Barrier Reef dominate the Bunaken coral reef environment, which is mostly located on 50-meter cliffs.

  • Location & How To Get There

    • May - August
      1. Jakarta - Manado: 3 hour 20 minutes by plane

      Manado - Pantai Liang, Pulau Bunaken: 45 Minutes by speedboat

      1. Manado - Pulau Siladen: 50 minutes by speedboat
      2. Manado - Pulau Manado Tua: 60 minutes by speedboat
      3. Manado - Pulau Mantehage: 1 hour 30 minutes by speedboat
      4. Manado - Pulau Nain: 2 hour by speedboat
      5. Manado - Kelurahan Molas - Meras - Tongkaina - Border of National Park: 1 hour driving
      6. Manado - Desa Poopoh - Desa Teling - Desa Kumu - Desa Arakan - Desa Rap-rap: 1 hour 30 minutes driving
      7. Tanawangko - Popontolen - Desa Paslaten - Desa Popareng: 1 hour 15 minutes driving
  • Contact Park

    • Bunaken National Park
      Jl. Raya Molas, Batusaiki Kotak Pos 1202 Manado 95242, North Sulawesi

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