Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park

A vacation that includes the preservation of Maleo will be both unforgettable and heartbreaking.
Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park is a conservation area that is located exactly in Kotamobagu, three hours from Manado.
  • 282.008 Ha
  • Celebes Crested Macaque, Spectral Tarsier, Maleo Birds, Hornbill, Cinnabar Hawk-owl, Magnolia, Matayangan Palm, Nantu Tree, Makassar Ebony, Iron Wood, Carrion Flower

A Land of Freedom for Maleo

Not only does North Sulawesi have Bunaken National Park. Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park is another name for a conservation area. Several threatened species are protected in this national park, including the Maleo Bird, Anoa, Black Monkey, Hornbill, and Babirusa. This location serves as the Maleo hatchery as well. After the eggs are buried for fifty days, the Maleo sapling's head will poke its head above earth. Depending on the particular time of year when the eggs hatch, this cannot always be seen.


Watch Maleo seedlings emerge from the earth after their eggs have been buried for 50 days.


A trail through the forest must be traveled in order to reach the hot spring river, which may be utilized to relax the body and mind. There will be a Limestone Cave and a Roomy Stone Cave if it continues for a further hour; as the name suggests, the Roomy Stone Cave contains stone walls that were naturally fashioned to resemble rooms. The 1 hour and 30 minute drive and walk to Lumpongo Falls, which is almost as stunning, will be worthwhile once you've seen the cascade and had a dip in the hot springs below it.

  • Location & How To Get There

      1. Jakarta - Manado: 3 hour 20 minutes 

      Manado - Kotamobagu: 4 hour driving

      Tambun: 1 hour driving

      1. Kotamobagu - Mengkang: 1 hour driving
      2. Kotamobagu - Muara Pusian: 1 hour 30 minutes driving
      3. Kotamobagu - Toraut: 1 hour 30 minute
      4. Jakarta - Gorontalo: 4 hour 35 minutes by plane
      5. Gorontalo - Limboto: 30 minutes driving

      Limboto - Tulabolo: 1 hour 20 minutes driving 

      Tulabolo - Hungayono: 1 hour on foot

  • Contact Park

    • Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park
      Jl. AKD Mongkonai Kotak Pos 106 Kotamobagu 195716 - North Sulawesi

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