Wasur National Park

The remarkable high value biodiversity of the natural park has earned it the moniker "The Serengeti of Papua"
The Wasur National Park, which is part of the biggest wetland in the province of Papua and is immediately bordered by Papua New Guinea, is located in the most eastern point of Indonesia and is said to
  • 431,425.12 Ha
  • Papuan Eagle, Black-necked Stork, Little Curlew, Magpie Goose, Fly River Grassbird, Grey-crowned Mannikin, Western Crowned Pigeon, Bird-of-Paradise, Agile Wallaby, Dusky Pademelon, NewGuinea Crocodile

The Two Faces of The Savanna of Papua

As the seasons change, Wasur National Park experiences two unique weather patterns. The swamp will be inundated during the rainy season, while the lake will be dry during the dry season, causing the soil in the lake to break. This creates a totally distinct mood with the seasonal change. At the height of the summer season, October to November, wildlife such as kangaroos, deer, wild boar and a variety of birds visit the swamps and running rivers, and this is a fantastic time to observe all the creatures of Papua.

Presented are two distinct surfaces with intricacies of the natural world and diverse indigenous animal species.

During the winter, birds from Australia will flock to this national park in search of food and a warm place to stay. One of the draws of this location, in addition to its animals and natural beauty, is its culture. One location where visitors may view yearly festivities is Dogamit Swamp. Rare birds that have come in search of food and water are there while people are watching the action.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • July - October
      1. Jakarta - Merauke: 7 hour 40 minutes by plane
      2. Merauke - National Park: 2 hour driving
  • Contact Park

    • Wasur National Park
      Jl. Garuda Leproseri No. 3 Mopah Lama, Kotak Pos 109, Merauke 99611 - Papua

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