Teluk Cenderawasih National Park

Visitors can take a marine cruise at the park to see whale sharks.
This park is situated just where the tectonic plates of the Australian continent and the Pacific Ocean meet at the edge of the Pacific Ocean.
  • 1,453,500 Ha
  • Whitetip Reef Shark, Whale Shark, Oceanic Dolphin, Butterflyfish, Damselfish, Green Bumphead Parrotfish, Rabbitfish, Clownfish, Cowrie, Conchs, Giant Clam, Blue Coral, Black Coral, Sago palm, Almonds

Greeting to the Whale Shark

The sea dominates this National Park as far as the eye can see because it is positioned on the border of the Pacific Ocean. The park provides marine tourism, which allows visitors to interact with Whale Sharks. This 5-meter long animal with polka dot designs on its skin makes this park an interesting tourist attraction. This national park is also extremely nice because of the remaining coral reefs. Coral reefs line the coasts of the park's 18 big and small islands in the main zone, protected zone, and limited use zone, completing the ecosystem.

An underwater paradise teeming with huge whale creatures.

Because the national park has so much natural beauty underwater, most trips are aquatic tours. Visitors may explore coral slopes rich in biota, soft corals, and young coral colonies. The tour's underwater charm is met by the presence of sperm whales and dolphins.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • January - August
      1. Jakarta - Manokwari: 6 hours by plane
      2. Manokwari - Pulau Rumberpon: 4 hours by longboat
      3. Manokwari - Ransiki: 3 hours driving
      4. Ransiki - Pulau Rumberpon: 1 hour 30 minutes by longboat
  • Contact Park

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