Manupeu Tanah Daru National Park

This national park spans an area of around 50 thousand hectares and is the last lowland spring forest on the island of Sumba.
Manupeu-Tanah Daru National Park is a national park on Sumba Island in East Nusa Tenggara. Manupeu-Tanah Daru National Park is an example of Sumba Island remnant lowland spring-fall forest.
  • 87,984.09 Ha
  • Yellow-crested Cockatoo, Sumba Green Pigeon, Sumba Flycatcher, Sumba Cicadabird, Apricot-breasted Sunbird, Sumba Hornbill, Endemic Butterflies, Iron Redwood, Kesambi, Blackboard tree, Candlenut

Cast of the Relaxed Ambience of Sumba

The National Park has its distinct peculiarities due to its sheer granite slopes. Crossing ancient bamboo bridges, trekking along rushing rivers, and exploring dark forests are all difficult for those who wish to test their adrenaline. Matayangu, a holy place in the form of a waterfall, is located. This waterfall represents a unique aspect of Sumba culture, which is thought to be the home of sacred ancestors. Visitors must traverse through lush forests and huge savannas to reach the waterfall, which has a height of 100 meters and unusual rock formations.

A national park that protects Indonesia's indigenous birds, butterflies, and vegetation.

A very significant cultural value is also felt when we visit this region, it can be observed from the embellishments set on the traditional roofs of the houses. Horses galloping on the grasslands add to the lovely cultural mood. Sumba Island's cultural features include the Waikabubak region, which contains numerous old carved burials. The ancient cemeteries are a sign of social prestige and public health (Kadung Tana, Watu Karagata and Bulu Peka Mila). Pasola War Festival is a highly exciting and tense ceremonial attraction, because numerous individuals were observed riding colorful horses and assaulting one another with wooden spears. The events take place in February at Lamboya and Kodi Villages, and in March at Gaura and Wanukaka Villages.

In September, the Julang Sumba (Rhyticeros everetti) always visits the birdwatching area. During this period, some of them were always spotted crossing from East to West and vice versa. The process of competition and conflicts between four (four) males to gain females was observed in September 2012.

Other than birds, visitors may also watch the activity of the long-tailed monkey colony (Macaca fascicularis), and if you are lucky, you can see the Rusa Timor (Cervus timorensis).
  • Location & How To Get There

    • April - September
      1. Jakarta - Denpasar - Waingapu: 5 hour by plane

      Waikabubak: 3 hour driving

      1. Denpasar - Tambolaka: 1 hour 30 minutes by plane

      Waikabubak: 1 hour 10 minutes driving

      1. Kupang - Tambolaka: 1 hour 30 minutes 

      Waikabubak: 1 hour 10 minutes driving

  • Contact Park

    • Manupeu Tanah Daru National Park
      Jl. Adam Malik Km 5 Kel. Kambajawa, Waingapu, East Sumba 87113 - East Nusa Tenggara

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