Laiwangi Wanggameti National Park

The terrain of Laiwangi Wanggameti has been shaped by climate, culture, and the forest.
The Laiwangi Wanggameti National Park has the most thick forest in Sumba.
  • 47,014 Ha
  • Asian Water Monitor, Timor Python, Sumba Hornbill, Sumba Boobook, Red-naped Fruit-dove, Sumba Buttonquail, Citron-crested Cockatoo, Purple-naped Lory, Lantana, Banyan tree, True Cinnamon, Nutmeg

A Showcase of Nature and Man of Sumba

The hills of Laiwangi Wanggameti National Park reach to the horizon as far as the eye can see, covered with Sumba's most thick forest. As a result, the forest provides a much-needed water supply for the surrounding people. The people use nature so well that they have a ritual called Urata Pogo Wasu. A ceremonial ceremony to choose which trees should be felled. So that the beauty and authenticity of this location are preserved, and as testament of the Sumba people's passion for nature.

Natural life and ancestral legacy work together to produce a unified beauty.

The diversity of wildlife and plants that reside in this national park is what draws people to it. Plants such as Jambu Hutan, Pulai, Taduk, Beringin, Walnut, Melinjo, and pandas grow at an elevation of 800 meters above sea level. The park is also home to 215 kinds of birds. These include the Sumba Hornbill, Wengi Pungguk, Sumba Pigeon, Manu Swamp Walik, and Orange-crested Cockatoo. This is especially appealing to birdwatchers since it is a haven for wildlife.

Besides the flora and wildlife there are numerous spots such as the 100 meter high limestone waterfall. Laputi Lake with its blue water is inhabited by a sacred eel named Apu, thought to be an ancestor eel entrusted with guarding the spring. Ancient rocks might also be treasured as megalithic artifacts that enhance your vacation.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • March - June, October - December
      1. Jakarta - Denpasar - Waingapu: 5 hour by plane
      2. Denpasar - Waingapu: 1 hour 30 minutes by plane
      3. Kupang - Waingapu: 1 hour 10 minutes by plane
      4. Waingapu - Wanggameti: 2 hour 30 minutes driving
      5. Waingapu - Praing Kareha: 3 hour driving
      6. Waingapu - Nggongi: 3 hour 30 minutes driving
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