Gunung Tambora National Park

Tambora peak is a magnet for climbers not only from Indonesia but also overseas
Tambora, which stands elegantly in Semenanjung, Sanggar, and Sumbawa Island, gives spectacular natural beauty and resources to the people who live there.
  • 71,645.64 Ha
  • Yellow-crested Cockatoo, Asia Thrush, Crested White-eye, Hill Myna, Coconut Lorikeet, Orange-footed Scrubfowl, Tambora Small Bent-toed Gecko, Rajumas, Walikukun, Elaeocarpus batudulangi

The Majestic Crater of The Country

Tambora piques the interest of both trekkers and volcanologists. This is owing to the fact that Tambora's eruption has documented a significant history in human civilisation 200 years ago. Its eruption, which reached a scale of 7 Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) in April 1815, tore apart the sky and the earth, creating a hole 1,100 meters deep-the deepest in the world, with a diameter of 7 km. Originally assumed to be 4,300 meters above sea level, its body vanished after vomiting its intestines, leaving a height of 2,851 meters above sea level.

Mount Tambora's eruption not only produced environmental and humanitarian tragedies during and after the eruption, but it also gave rise to exceptional things in the history of knowledge, art, culture, and literature. The eruption of Mount Tambora transformed the terrain by leaving the deepest caldera in the globe. To mark the 200th anniversary of Tambora's eruption, on April 11, 2015 an event was conducted dubbed "Tambora Greets the World" in Dompu, Sumbawa. Around 15,000 individuals from both Indonesia and outside attended the ceremony, including Indonesian President Joko Widodo. Tambora National Park was opened as Indonesia's 51st national park on that day.


Natural catastrophes contribute to the diversity that makes this location the most attractive.


Climbing a height of 2,815 above sea level accompanied by panoramic views and animals that move on the hiking route are things that visitors may do when visiting this location. The crater of Mount Tambora is also the most intriguing site to visit, because it is extreme and has its own character. Exploring the woodland in the grasslands is equally enjoyable.

  • Location & How To Get There

    • June - September
      1. Jakarta - Praya, Lombok Tengah: 3 hours 15 minutes by plane

      Harbour of Kayangan Lombok Timur: 1 hour 30 minutes driving

      Harbour of Poto Tano Sumbawa: 2 hours by ferry

      Dompu: 6 hours driving

      Gunung Tambora National Park: 4 hours driving

      1. Jakarta - Bima: 4 hours by plane 

      Dompu: 1 hour 35 minutes driving

      Gunung Tambora National Park: 4 hours driving

      1. Praya,Lombok Tengah - Bima: 30 minutes by plane

      Dompu: 1 hour 30 minutes driving

      Gunung Tambora National Park: 4 hours

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