Manusela National Park

The Seram Sea is directly in front of the hidden location.
The serenity on Seram Island's northern side emanates from the view of Sawai's crystal-clear waters.
  • 189,000 Ha
  • Seram Friarbird, Moluccan King Parrot, Moluccan Cockatoo, Boano Monarch, Seram Masked Owl, Seram Bandicoot, Moluccan Flying Fox, Manusela Mosaic-tailed Rat, Ceram Rat, Moluccan Sail-finned Lizard

Wishful Wave in Sawai

Manusela is a national park that is uninhabited by nature enthusiasts due to its distant location. Sawai offers a breathtaking view because it is located on a defended bay island. Additionally, a lot of people claim that the surroundings are similar to an emerald stone karst in Papua's Raja Ampat Ocean. The beauty of the sea, especially the clean water, is highly appealing to the sight. Coral reefs and fish constitute a unified, harmonious entity. In this location, diving and snorkeling are two of the most popular sports.

Manusela works with four different habitats and has an additional 196 bird species that captivate tourists as they soar over.

Manusela is the ideal location for twilight aficionados as the sun descends into night and bestows its natural beauty. Sawai and the neighboring villages will be enveloped in a light mist in the morning. The deep woodland beyond the settlement may be seen when the sun is shining because the mist starts to evaporate. The difficult hiking paths are known to hikers as well. One of the tallest mountains in Indonesia is Binaya, and Mount Hatasuka's cave makes it the ideal location. The environment is complete and a great area to visit because of the coastline, mangrove forest, and tropical rainforest. The mood in this park is made even better by the diversity of birds that adorn it.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • May - October
      1. Jakarta - Ambon: 3 hour by plane
      2. Ambon - Masohi: 3 hour by speedboat

      Route 1 : 

      1. Masohi - Saka: 2 hour driving

      Wahai: 6 hour by longboat

      National Park: On foot


      Route 2:

      1. Ambon - Sawai - Wahai: 1 Day on boat

      Masohi - Tehoru - Mosso: 9 hour on boat


      Route 3:

      1. Ambon - Tulehu: 45 minutes driving

      Tulehu - Amahai: 45 minutes by longboat

      Masohi - Tehoru - Mosso: 9 hour on boat

      Ambon - Waipirit Harbour, Seram Island: 2 hour by ferry

      Masohi: 2 hour driving

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