Aketajawe Lolobata National Park

A national park with karst terrain and a bird habitat.
The Aketajawe Lolobata National Park is located in the North Maluku Province of Central Halmahera, Tidore Islands City, and East Halmahera.
  • 1,453,500 Ha
  • Wallaceu2019s Rail, Kingfisher, White Cockatoo, Halmahera Cuckooshrike, Moluccan Goshawk, Wallaceu2019s Standardwing, Ornate Cuscus, Endemic Frogs, Weberu2019s Sailfin Lizard, Moluccan Ironwood

Peeping the Dance of Halmahera Angel

Aketajawe Lolobata National Park has 243 species of birds from North Maluku and 211 species of birds from Halmahera, hence it can be claimed that this park is a bird lover's dream because it contains practically all bird species. Examples include the Invisible Rail, Blue and White Kingfisher, Halmahera Cuckoo-shire, and Dusky-brown Oriole.

Aketajawe and Lolobata are the two blocks that make up the park. It is abundant in palms, bamboo, orchids, and other woody plants. In lowland woods and rainforests, mosses and fungus thrive. Rivers of crystal-clear water, enormous limestone cliffs, waterfalls, and caverns all add to the park's diversity. Watching the angel birds is an amazing thing to do in TNAL. They often leave their lofty treetop nests to forage for food about seven in the morning. Don't be late since angels typically stop being on the lookout once it becomes light.

Aketajawe Lolobata is a Bird Species Paradise.

The Togutil and Tobelo are two of the local indigenous tribes. The Togutil subsist deep within the jungle, surviving on sago, animal hunting, and fishing. The Togutil inhabit gardens at the border of the forest. They all reside in neighborhoods around the park that share gardening.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • All Year Round
      1. Jakarta - Manado - Ternate: 3 hour 45 minutes by plane
      2. Ternate - Sofifi: 45 minutes by speedboat
      3. Sofifi - Koli Village: 3 hour driving

      Aketajawe: 1 hour driving

      1. Sofifi - Desa Kobe Trans SP4: 6 hour driving

      Aketajawe: 2 hour on foot

      1. Sofifi - Subaim: 5 hour driving

      Desa Tutuling Jaya: 30 minutes driving

      Lolobata: 16 hour on foot

      1. Sofifi - Buli: 6 hour driving 

      Desa Tanjung Lili: 5 hour by boat

      Lolobata: 8 hour on foot

  • Contact Park

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