Sebangau National Park

Because the locals appreciate the environment, there is harmony in the world.
Sebangau National Park is an example of the Central Kalimantan swamp peat forest ecosystem, which sustains three water catchment regions.
  • 568.700 Ha
  • Sunda Clouded Leopard, Southern Pig-tailed Macaque, Maroon Leaf Monkey, Sun Bear, Flat-headed Cat, Binturong, Small-toothed Palm Civet, Squirrel, Painted Treeshrew, Grey-headed Fish Eagle

Floating on the Black River

The three water catchments of Sebangau, Kahayan, and Katingan are supported by the peat swamp forest ecology of Central Kalimantan, which is typified by Sebangau National Park. This national park promotes water tourism, and tourists face a difficulty when navigating the rivers that flow through the conservation area. As they approach the jungle, a variety of birds, including the Jurus Head Eagle, Kilik-kilik Ilir, and Kangkareng, as well as other creatures, including proboscis monkeys hopping across the river through the trees, will accompany them on their adventure. The surrounding landscape is reflected in the river's dark water, giving it the appearance of a mirror.

A unique experience is paddling a modest boat down the Black River while being entertained by wildlife activity.

Because the river sustains the life of the nearby living creatures, the local population is particularly protective of it. The Dayak people rely largely on rivers that are currently running for their transportation needs. People in this area strongly value their nature because it is a need for all social activities. They believe that nature is a gift from their forefathers, and they are exceedingly intelligent in their use of it.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • March - October
      1. Jakarta - Palangkaraya: 1 hour 30 minute by plane
      2. Palangkaraya - Kereng Bangkirai: 20 minute driving

      Kereng Bangkirai - Sungai Koran: 45 minutes by speedboat

      1. Palangkaraya - Kasongan: 1 hour 30 minutes by driving 

      Kasongan - Baun Bango: 3 hour 30 minutes driving/ 2 hour by speedboat

      Baun Bango - Panggu Alas: 2 hour by speedboat

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