Kutai National Park

A portrayal of the magnificence of Kalimantan's woods, highlighted by the presence of a 1,000-year-old Ulin tree.
Sangkima and Camp Kakap represent the showcase of natural cruising in Kutai National P
  • 198.629 Ha
  • Orangutan, Beruk, Long Tailed Monkey, Kangkareng Perut Putih, Tarantula

Natural Heritage Kutai

Because of its beauty and diversity, this National Park has a highly well-known tourist destination. It features a walkway that allows visitors to observe several types of woods, including native virgin forests and secondary forests that have been burned. Sangkima encourages travelers to explore Kalimantan's lowland woods.

There are several primates in this park, including an orangutan, a beruk, a long-tailed monkey, and a white-bellied kangkareng.
This forest also has therapeutic plants that may be visited throughout the tour.

Forests that are still unspoilt and provide a range of unique experiences

Each nook of this garden is special in its own way. If you want to relax, the Seven Princesses Bath is a great spot to go. Camp Kakap Prevab, which is popular with international tourists, is where you may see Asian giant apes. The night excursions will add to your amazing visit to this park. In addition to sleeping birds and insects perched on wood, there are tarantulas that like to sneak through the forest. Caving, a hole cave appropriate for activities among hundreds of other caverns, is no less intriguing.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • April - October
      1. Jakarta - Balikpapan: 2 hour 5 minutes by plane

      Balikapapan - Bontang: 6 hour by driving

      Bontang - Sangkima: 1 hour by driving

      1. Bontang - Prevab: 3 hour driving + 30 minute by smallship.
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