Gunung Palung National Park

The largest and finest forest in Kalimantan is said to be the tropical rainforest.
On the island of Borneo, the Gunung Palung National Park is made up of a number of hills that are home to several plant and animal species.
  • 43.420 Ha
  • Bornean Orangutan, Proboscis Monkey, Bornean White-bearded Gibbon, Borneo Kukang, Napu, Rhinoceros Hornbill, Bornean River Turtle, Loggerhead Sea Turtle, Siamese Crocodile, Gluta, Dammar, Black Orchid

The Heritage of The Borneo Pristine Forest

The Gunung Palung National Park provides the ideal home for a wide variety of plant and animal species. This is seen from the fact that practically all of Kalimantan's bird species may be found in this National Park. The fact that this National Park serves as a local community's supply of water makes it extremely beneficial for life in addition to having a significant impact on flora and animals.

The visiting experience is made even more exciting by the distinctive geography and fauna.

The Matan River's banks is where you may find black orchids, which are native to the park. Along with it, there's another breathtaking location called the Peak of Mount Palung, which provides climbing, camping, and hiking excursions in the forest. Rapids and waterfalls may also be seen while boating while wildlife is being seen.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • May - September
      • Jakarta - Pontianak: 1 hour 30 minutes by plane
        Pontianak - Ketapang: 1 hour by plane/ 6-7 hour by speedboat
        Ketapang - Sukaanda: 2 hour driving 
        Sukaanda - National Park: 6 hour by longboard/sampan
      • Pontianak - Teluk Melano: 10 hour by speedboat
        Teluk Melano - National Park: 6 hour by longboard
      • Pontianak - Teluk Batang: 4 hour by express boat
        Teluk Batang - Teluk Melano: 1 hour driving
        Teluk Melano - National Park: 6 hour by longboard
  • Contact Park

    • Gunung Palung National Park
      Jl. Gajah mada, Desa. Kalinilam Kecamatan Delta, Pawan Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat.

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