Danau Sentarum National Park

God's grace that is both beautiful and beneficial to the surrounding community.
Located on south-eastern Pontianak, Danau Sentarum is surrounded by hills and highland
  • 132.000 Ha
  • Siamang, Proboscis Monkey, Bornean Orangutan, Saltwater Crocodile, Stormu2019s Stork, Great Argus, Asian Arowana, Clown Loach, Chitala, Snakeheads, Leptobarbus, Parachela, Ramin, Jelutung, Keruing

The Two Faces of Kalimantan Swamp Area

Danau Sentarum is unique in comparison to other lakes in various palaces across the world, stretching as far as 700 kilometers to the south-east. Danau Sentarum's magic will satisfy you. Danau Sentarum has two distinct personalities throughout the rainy and dry seasons. During the wet season, the lake will fill to capacity and potentially overflow. When the drought hits, the lake will mainly dry up and transform into a wide desert.

Two shapes that complement one other's attractiveness in each season.

Danau Sentarum is located in the Kapuas River basin and is surrounded by hills and mountains. Danau Sentarum has an essential role in maintaining water supplies in West Kalimantan, hence the park was designated as a Ramsar site, indicating that this wetland region is critical to global sustainability. Many vegetation, including Tengkawang, Ramin, Keruing, Meranti, Bekantan, Orang Utan, and others, thrive in the park's biodiversity. The wetland habitat thus supplies an abundance of food for bird species such as Cekakak, Bangau Susu, and Elang Bondol.The Park is vital not only for the survival of animals, but also for the indigenous tribes of Dayak Iban, Dayak Sebaruk, and Dayak Sontas. They dwell in Rumah Betang, a longhouse. These villages have maintained their traditional customs and cultures.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • All year round, recommended during rainy season
      • Jakarta - Pontianak: 1 hour 40 minutes by plane
        Pontianak - Sintang: 45 minutes driving / 8 hour driving
        Sintang - Semitau 3 hour driving
        Semitau - Andau Sentarum: 45 minute by boat
      • Pontianak - Putussibau: 1 Hour by plane 
        Putussibau - Lanjak: 3 hour driving
        Lanjak - Andau Sentarum: 45 minutes boat
  • Contact Park

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