Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park

Combination of two provincial national nature reserves with a variety of ecosystems, including mountain and tropical forest.
Bukit Baka Bukit Raya located in West Kalimantan, and Bukit Raya Nature Reserve in Central Kalimantan
  • 181.090 Ha
  • Bornean Orangutan, Sun Bear, Indonesian Stink Badger, Malayan Weasel, Silvered Leaf Monkey, Black-crested Sumatran Langur, Maroon Leaf Monkey, White-fronted Surili, Borneo Gibbon, Rafflesia tuan-mudae
This national park has a rich environment of lowland woods, hills, mountains, and tropical forests due to the uncommon combination of two nature reserves and 817 plant species. As a tourist destination, the area presents a spectacular vista, from the grandeur of Demang Uhud waterfall to the tough wild river flow. The biodiversity is mixed with the distinctive culture of the Dayak ethnic group that dwell in the protected area, not only the natural beauty. Visitors may view the traditional Betang longhouse, Ancestor Statues, Handicrafts, and Dayak Traditional Ceremonies while enjoying the natural beauty of Kalimantan.

The balance of nature and culture demonstrates that this location is a home for God's creation.

We will be joined by the sounds of exciting animals such as Orang Utan, Lutung Kukang, Helmeted Hornbill, Rhinoceros Hornbill, and other animal noises as we travel through the jungle of Bukit Baka - Bukit Raya. This park is home to several unique creatures, including Sun Bears, Ruai Birds, Red Apes, and endemic Bornean birds. This shows that this national park is still quite lovely because of the numerous unusual species that live there.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • May - June
      • ​​​​​​Jakarta - Pontianak: 1 hour 35 minute by plane

      Pontianak - Ng. Pinoh: 10 hour driving

      Ng. Pinoh - Logpond: 2 hour driving 

      Logpond - National Park: 1 hour 30 minutes driving

      Ng. Pinoh - Mwg. Mentatai - Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park: 5 hour by speedboat

      Ng. Pinoh - Serawai Serawai - Jelundung: 6 hour by longboat

      • Jakarta - Palangkaraya: 2 Hour by plane 

      Palangkaraya - Kasongan: 1 hour 30 minutes driving

      Kasongan - Tumbang Samba: 3 hour 30 minutes by longboat

      Tumbang Samba - Tumbang Hiran: 4 hour by longboat

      Tumbang Hiran - Tumbang Senambang: 2 hour by longboat

      Tumbang Senambang - National Park: 3 hour by longboard

      Sambit - Kasongan: 2 hour driving

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