Betung Kerihun National Park

The first and only conservation area in Asia tasked with conserving the country's woods.
The largest national park in West Kalimantan, having an ideal forest habitat.
  • 800.000 Ha
  • Bornean Orangutan, Super Red Arowana Fish, Rafflesia tuan-mudae, Agarwood

Wild Nature of the Heart of Borneo

Because of its location surrounded by rivers and connected by hills, the park houses 70% of Kalimantan's unique plant species. In the transboundary conservation region, the park also serves as a border between Indonesia and Malaysia, with hills, rivers, and mountains forming a lovely panorama. The tiny rivers in this park are linked, and they all flow into the same spot, forming a water catchment region. Because the springs here contain numerous minerals, they serve as a supply of water for the animals, and it's an amazing experience to watch them drink.

The center of Borneo, which meets a range of demands for spiritual fulfillment

The park provides a range of exciting and adrenaline-inducing thrills. The park offers all we require: untamed environment coexists with local culture; explorers may test their mettle by paddling through clear water and raging rivers. 4 of the 179 summits provide wild difficulties as well. The Dayak Iban tribe inhabits longhouses called Betang beside the Sedik river and lives in an environment of lush green trees accentuated by the sound of waterfalls.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • All-year-round
      1. Jakarta - Pontianak: 1 hour 30 minutes 

      Pontianak - Puttusibau: 12 - 16 hour driving / 1 hour by plane 

      Puttusibau - Mataso: 3 hour driving 

      Karangan Laboh - Derian/Tekelan: 3 hour by boat

      1. Putussibau - Baligundi/Sibau Hulu: 20 minutes driving 

      Baligunci/Sibau Hulu - Tanjung Lasa: 15 minutes driving

      1. Putussibau - Balingundi/Sibau Hulu: 20 minutes driving 

      Balingundi/Sibau Hulu - Ng Potan: 20 minutes by boat

      1. Putussibau - Nanga Sambus: 15 minutes by boat 

      Semangkok: 20 minutes by boat

      Padua/Datah Diaan: 1 hour by boat

      Nanga Hova: 2 hour by boat

      Mentibat: 20 minutes by boat

      1. Putussibau - Nanga Bungan: 4 hour by boat

      Tanjung Lokang: 3 hour by boat

  • Contact Park

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