Ujung Kulon National Park

Recognizing the desire of tourists to witness an unique and endangered species, the Javan Rhino.
It is extremely difficult to engage with Javan Rhinos directly in this National Park on the island of Java.
  • 122,956 Ha
  • Javan Rhino, Javan Leopard, Javan Dhole, Fishing Cat, Javan Mongoose, Java Mouse-deer, Civets, Javan Leaf Monkey, Long-tailed Macaque, Smooth-coated Otter, False Gharial, Estuarine Crocodile, Shrubs

Peeping the Javan Rhino

Due to its sluggish population growth and restricted habitat, Ujung Kulon is the sole location where the Javan Rhino is protected. The Javan Rhino is said to thrive in Ujung Kulon due to its healthy forest dynamics and sparse animal population, which does not significantly impede the Javan Rhino's growth.


White sand beaches and crystal-clear waters make them a preferred travel destination. Peucang Island's beach is one of them. Visitors may feel secure and at ease while on vacation because of the accommodations, jetty, information center, electricity, and communication that are provided. When they are in motion in the afternoon, wildlife attractions including Banteng, Peacock, Jungle Chicken, Wild Boar, and Long-tailed Macaques put on fascinating shows.


A location to engage with unique creatures while relaxing on a pristine white beach and immersed in a rich culture.


This national park is also rich in culture. The Sunda tribe of Banten is famed for its debus art, which allows anybody who masters it to become invulnerable to sharp things; thus, visitors find it highly intriguing.

  • Location & How To Get There

    • June - August

      Driving to Labuan:

      1. Jakarta - Serang - Pandeglang - Labuan: 3 Hours and 30 minutes driving
      2. Jakarta - Cilegon - Anyer - Labuan: 4 hour driving
      3. Bogor - Rangkasbitung - Pandeglang - Labuan: 4 hour driving

      From Labuan to Location:

      1. Labuan - Sumur- Tamanjaya: 4 hour driving

      Tamanjaya - Handeuleum: 40 minutes by boat


      Handeuleum - Peucang Island: 2 hour 30 minutes by boat

      1. Labuan - Tamanjaya: 4 hour by speedboat
      2. Labuan - Handeuleum Island: 4 hour by speedboat
      3. Labuan - Peucang Island: 5 hour by speedboat

      Getting to National Park by Speedboat from Jakarta:

      1. Jakarta - Tamanjaya: 8 hour 
      2. Jakarta - Handeuleum Island: 8 hour
      3. Jakarta - Peucang Island: 10 hour
  • Contact Park

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