Meru Betiri National Park

Four of the seven different species of sea turtles that exist in the globe halt in Meru Betiri, which is directly near to the Indian Ocean.
Meru Betiri carries out the duty to protect the sea turtle species despite being tucked away on the southern side of Java.
  • 58,000 Ha
  • Green Sea Turtle, Hawksbill Sea Turtle, Olive Ridley Sea Turtle, Leatherback Sea Turtle, Javan Hawk-eagle, Long-tailed Macaque, Javan Slow Loris, Javanese Flying Squirrel, Rafflesia, Bishop Wood

Sharing Love with the Sea Turtle

A zoning system is used to preserve the native ecosystems in Meru Betiri National Park, which is a natural protection area used for research, science, education, fostering agriculture, tourism, and enjoyment. In southern East Java, the combination of land and sea serves as a haven for a wide range of flora and wildlife. Four of the seven species of sea turtles in the world, the Green Turtle, Hawksbill Turtle, Slengkrah, and Leatherback Turtle, stopover at Meru Betiri, which is directly adjacent to the Indian Ocean.


If you wish to engage with sea turtles, head to Sukamade Beach. Sukamade has long been recognized as a pioneer in sea turtle conservation on Java's South Coast, where there is a hatchling hatching center, with turtles serving as one of the pillars of national park management. During the nesting season, turtles will come to this beach to bury their eggs. Later, guardians will take the eggs into prison so that they can hatch securely. Tourists can assist in releasing the turtles into the water when they hatch.


A beautiful site with a lot of affection for sea turtles.


The region includes 15 mountain summits as well as wilderness. The location is home to Javanese birds such as the Javanese Eagle, Balanophora Fungosa, and Padmosari vegetation.

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