Kepulauan Seribu National Park

A wonderful underwater environment provides guests with a slice of heaven.
Kepulauan Seribu National Park's underwater splendor welcomes you to appreciate the beauty of coral reefs and fish via diving.
  • 107,489 Ha
  • Bottlenose Dolphin, Butterflyfish, Cardinalfish, Marine Ray-finned Fish, Mollusc, Corals, Leopard Cat, Red-backed Sea-eagle, Santigi, Coastal Cypress Tree, Mangroves

A Breather At the Capital Aquatic Zone

Because of its proximity to Jakarta, the Thousand Islands National Park is a good option for a weekend trip. The undersea world's magnificence is ready to be discovered via diving. For novice dives, a diver escort is also provided. Our eyes will be treated to the splendor of coral reefs and unusual species when diving.


A lovely location in Jakarta that possesses the beauty of underwater charms


 To safeguard turtle eggs, the park established semi-natural hatcheries on Pramuka and Kelapa Dua islands. After the eggs hatch at the hatchery, the turtle hatchlings will be released into the open sea, and people are eager to see the hatchlings discharged into the sea. Other activities include taking in the beauty of the beach and sunsets, as well as learning about native everyday life. Visitors interested in learning about marine life can also participate in marine education. Of course, this national park has provided tourists with nice accommodations in the form of resorts, ports, docks, restaurants, and inns.

  • Location & How To Get There

    • March - May
      1. Muara Angke - Pramuka Island: 2 hour 30 minutes by speedboat
      2. Muara Angke - Harapan Island: 3 hour by speedboat
      3. Marina Harbour Ancol - Pramuka Island: 3 hour by speedboat
      4. Marina Harbour Ancol - Harapan Island: 3 hour by speedboat
      5. Harapan Island - Putri Island, Macan Island, Perak Island: 30 Minutes by speedboat
  • Contact Park

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