Karimun Jawa National Park

A journey to explore the stunning coral reefs beneath the Java Sea.
Off the coast of Central Java, which promotes tranquility with beautiful sea views.
  • 110,117.30 Ha
  • Pink-headed Imperial-pigeon, Yellow-vented Bulbul, Endemic Butterflies, Black Coral, Organ Pipe Coral, Hornet Helmet, Triton Trumpet, Chambered Nautilus, Green Shell, Mangroves, Dewadaru, Kalimasada

Waters of Tropical Java Islands

Due to its underwater appeal in the form of coral reefs that can be seen at a depth of 6 meters, Karimun Jawa is a national park that is a favorite diving location. Green turtles, sometimes known as side turtles, will immediately accompany divers. Alternatively, we can go to Sintok Island if you'd want to watch how sea turtles hatch. From November through March, sea turtles utilize the island as a breeding site and frequent port. Visitors are welcome to participate in the official release of turtle eggs into the sea.


It is a place with its unique natural beauty that provides both on- and off-the-water experiences.


Karimunjawa provides camping and forest hiking in addition to maritime tourism. The trail will go to the inland mangrove walk in the canal as well as Bukit Bendera, Bukit Tengkorak, Bukit Maming, and Bukit Bendera. Because it contains ideal ground for bird habitats, the Karimunjawa coastline area is also a sanctuary for migrating birds from the northern hemisphere.

  • Location & How To Get There

    • April - October
      1. Jakarta - Semarang: 1 hour by plane/6 hour by train/11 hour driving
      2. Semarang - Jepara: 2 hour driving
      3. Jepara/Harbour Kartini - Karimun Jawa: 5 hour by speedboat
      4. Semarang/Achmad Yani Airport - Pulau Kemujan/Dewodaru Airport: 30 Minutes by plane
  • Contact Park

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