Gunung Merbabu National Park

Merbabu is ideal for individuals who want to ascend to the peak while viewing a hundred-year-old geological activity.
The nine craters formed by Mount Merbabu's eruption have become geological phenomena in Central Java.
  • 5,725 Ha
  • Javan Hawk-eagle, Javan Scops Owl, Indonesian Serin, Tawny-breasted Parrotfinch, Javan Surili, Kesowo Tree, Saninten Tree, Cape Leeuwin Wattle, Javanese Edelweiss

The Asleep of the Earth Pole

Mount Merbabu is a volcano that is dormant. Its beauty in the Central Java highlands draws many visitors. Visitors may appreciate this mountain by climbing it. Climbers that ascend the peak typically rest and enjoy the beauty of the savanna, blue sky, and green grass. After reaching the peak, we can see the mountains of Java, including Mount Slamet, Mount Prau, and Mount Sindoro.


Hike Mount Merapi's tough terrain while surrounded by nature's beauty and wealth.


The singing of rare birds such as the Rutoistailed Fantail will accompany your morning. The Black Eagle and the Spotted Krestel, two Javanese carnivores, are also easily encountered. We'll encounter Tusam and Puspa trees that grow to be quite tall if we travel much up. The sounds of langurs and other natural indications will accompany you on the track.

  • Location & How To Get There

    • June - September, December
      1. Jakarta - Solo: 45 minutes by plane/8 hour by train/14 hour driving
      2. Jakarta - Semarang: 1 hour by plane/6 hour by train/ 12 hour driving
      3. Semarang - Boyolali - Selo: 2 hour 20 minutes driving
      4. Solo - Boyolali - Selo: 1 hour 30 minutes driving
      5. Semarang - Boyolali - Kopeng: 1 hour 20 minutes driving
      6. Solo - Boyolali - Kopeng: 1 hour 30 minutes driving
  • Contact Park

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