Gunung Merapi National Park

Mount Merapi's peak is recognized as a hallmark of Yogyakarta's scenery and culture.
Yogyakarta is a magnet for mountain climbers and lovers of natural outdoors
  • 6,410 Ha
  • Black Eagle, Kestrel, Javan Lutung, Pine, Puspa

The Central Civilization of Mataram

Mount Merapi is the most active volcano in Indonesia, and one of the world's 16 active volcanoes. Because of its fertile soil, limitless water, and volcanic material that can be exploited for the economy, this mountain supports a tropical forest ecology with volcanic subtleties and is a source of life for the surrounding lives. Because of its splendor, this national park promotes tourism. It is not commonplace for scientists to visit for the aim of doing scientific study.


The allure of Mount Merapi, which is steeped in history and capable of reviving nature and society.


This mountain frequently erupts, yet its existence is inextricably linked to the lives of the inhabitants of Java Island since it contains stories about the kingdom. This was the Mataram Kingdom's seat until it was destroyed by a mountain eruption in 1006. People in this area believe that the King of Mataram has a strong link with the spiritual force of Mount Merapi, and that this connection is maintained by the presence of a Key Teacher who can speak with nature.


The Mount Merapi eruption is a benefit for the local fauna, and the hiking trail serves as a marketplace for the locals. Additionally, there is a tour of Mount Merapi called the Merapi Lava Tour, which stands as a mute testimony to the community that was destroyed by magma and the everyday items that were exposed to it.

  • Location & How To Get There

    • February - December
      1. Jakarta - Yogyakarta: 1 hour 15 minutes by plane/8 hours by train

      Nirmolo Muncar Waterfall:

      1. Yogyakarta - Kaliurang: 1 hour driving

      Nirmolo Muncar: 30 Minutes Walking

      Climbing Mount Merapi:

      1. Yogyakarta - Magelang: 1 hour 20 minutes driving

      Selo: 1 hour driving

      Summit: 5 hours Walking

      1. Yogyakarta - Boyolali: 1 hour 15 minutes driving

      Selo: 45 minutes driving

      Summit: 5 hours walking

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