Gunung Halimun Salak National Park

This national park claims to be the largest surviving tropical mountain rainforest on the island of Java.
Mount Halimun Salak National Park is a mountainous place with a variety and magnificent natural attractiveness in West Java province.
  • 113,357 Ha
  • West Javan Gibbon, Javan Lutung, Javan Surili, Javan Leopard, Javan Hawk-eagle, Lizards, Snakes, Frogs, Butterflies, Bamboos, Rattans, Orchids, Medicinal Plants

Jungle Fortress in the Java Mountain

The greatest remaining tropical mountain rainforest on the island of Java is located in Mount Halimun Salak National Park. The Javan Gibbon, Surili, Javan Eagle, and Javan Tiger are just a few of the uncommon primates that call the national park home. Due to the extreme humidity in the forest, there are other plants that thrive there as well as fungus like the Incandescent Mushroom.

The population that lives in the forest, together with the flora and animals, may be explored by tourists who camp there or stay in one of the existing homestays. Because Citalahab Village and Malasari Village are two regularly visited villages by tourists, the locals are highly kind to visitors, and they are aware that their community is a popular destination. The village provides two adventures-a woodland adventure and a village tour-and was certified as a tourist community in 2014.


A community surrounded by a forest with a strong traditional culture.


The people who reside in this forest retain the tradition, and customary law is fiercely held by the community in order to preserve their ancestors' culture. Seren Taun is a harvest ceremony that the community commonly performs after the harvest. This rite ensures the food security of Kasepuhan people by preserving the crop in Leuit or a tiny wooden home.

  • Location & How To Get There

    • June - August
      1. Jakarta - Bogor - Parungkuda - Kabandungan: 4 hour by driving
      2. Kabandungan - Cisalimar - Cikaniki/Citalahab: 1 hour 30 minutes driving
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