Gunung Ciremai National Park

At 3,078 meters above sea level, Mount Ciremai is encircled by terraces, rice fields, calm air, and crystal-clear rivers.
A national park in West Java that provides the local population with access to water.
  • 15,500 Ha
  • Black Panther, Barking Deer, Echidna, Javan Surili, Javan Hawk-eagle, Frogs, Pythons, Pines, Javan Chestnut-oak, Randu tree, Nangsi tree, Elaeocarpus, Fig trees, Ardisia cymosa, Platea latifolia

Feeding the Civilization

Active volcano Mount Ciremai last erupted in 1938. Although Mount Ciremai is a volcano, it has a lovely aspect, an undulating structure, several hills, and a variety of mountains. The park, which covers an area of 15,500 meters, serves as a water supply for the neighborhood. There are 156 springs dispersed throughout 43 headwaters, and 147 of them produce drinkable water. Agriculture, fisheries, industry, and drinking water all use this water.


A source of life for the surrounding community 


Through Ipukan, tourists may get a bird's-eye perspective of the Ciremai mountain valley. Ipukan is 1,700 meters above sea level, which makes it simpler for tourists to observe the opposite foot of the mountain. This area is home to a variety of wildlife, including Javanese eagles and panthers. There is Cisurian Waterfall beside the valley if you're interested in water tourism. This waterfall, which is 40 meters tall, is incredibly calming to the spirit. This waterfall features a top-notch water park that is distinguished by the presence of animals.

  • Location & How To Get There

    • August - December
      1. Jakarta - Cirebon: 5 hours driving
      2. Cirebon - Kuningan: 1 hour driving
      3. Jakarta - Kuningan: 6 hours driving
      4. Kuningan - Majalengka - Cikijing: 20 minutes
      5. Cikijing - Climbing Gate Apuy ( Pos 1 Berod Short Route 3,078 masl): 5 hours
  • Contact Park

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