Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park

The one and only National Park in Indonesia that has 6,000 hectares of sea sand. This natural phenomenon, often called as Sea Sand of Tengger, is occurred in between 200 to 700 metres above sea level, and surrounded by caldera.
Located in East Java Province, this National Park is the home for one of the 7 Summits of Indonesia
  • 50,276.02 hectares
  • Java Eagle, Green Peafowl, Besra Sparrowhawk, Sunda Minivet, Great Tit, East Javan Langur, Javan Spitting Cobra, Butterflies, Tosari Orchid, Edelweiss, Cemara Tree

Ancient Caldera of Java

Usually, to look at the crater closely, it need a long and hard walks, overcoming obstacles and hard times, but it is different with visiting the edge of Bromo crater. It can be done easily by almost anyone. In between the National Park's gate and the crater lies a vast sea of sand that can be crossed by walking or offroad-ing by 4-wheel-drive vehicles or horse like a cowboy. Near the stairway to the crater, sit a majestic Pura Agung Luhur Poten temple, a sacred temple for local Tengger Tribe pray, celebrate annual ritual called Yadnya Kasad. In that ceremony, the tribe uses holy water that is taken from a sacred spring in Widodaren Cave. Not distant to Bromo crater, there is Batok Mount as the place for visitors to hike and oversee the beautiful caldera of Tengger Mount, consist of Tengger savanna, mountainous Widodaren, Kursi, Segara Wedi Kidul, Segara Wedi Lor, Bromo, and Semeru mountains.
The enchantment of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park in Malang, East Java is timeless.

Summit of Java Island

Located on 3,676 meter above sea level, make walks and journey to the peak of Semeru Mount (Mahameru Peak) become a lifetime achievement. Mahameru is the highest point in Java Island. Ranu Pani, Ranu Regulo, and Ranu Kumbolo lake are the 3 lakes that mountaineer will see along the hiking track. These 3 lakes are located beyond 2,000 meter above sea level and Ranu Kumbolo lake is the greatest of them. Cold weather on Semeru can reach below 4 degree Celsius on July until September. Before reaching the summit, hikers will pass several mountainous hills, called as Tanjakan Cinta (Love Climb), Oro-oro Ombo savanna, also Bajangan, Kalimati, and Arcopodo forests. Wonderful view can be seen differently in the south of Bromo Mount when visiting in different period of time, during rainy/wet season, green savanna can be extended and the hills looks like the one in one of the famous kids series (Teletubbies, like the locals called) with yellow flowers. In dry season, the yellow flowers start browning at first before it is disappeared.

Pusung Dhuwur Viewing Point

Located in the Tosari district - Pusung Dhuwur is known as one of the most magnificent sunrise points along the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park area offering a serene view of the national park wrapped in the fresh air. As one of the nearby destinations around Plataran Bromo, Pusung Duwur is becoming one of the development projects of Plataran as part of Plataran's commitment to contribute to the surroundings.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • August - December
      • Malang-Cemoro Lawang : 1 hour 30 minutes driving.
      • Probolinggo-Cemoro Lawang : 1 hour 10 minutes driving.
      • Pasuruan-Cemoro Lawang : 1 hour 40 minutes driving.
      • Lumajang-Ranu Pani : 2 hours 30 minutes driving.
  • Contact Park

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