Baluran National Park

Baluran National Park on Java has been dubbed "Tiny African on Java" because to the animals found in its tiny savanna.
Baluran National Park is a small grassland with fauna found near Situbondo, East Java
  • 25,000 Ha
  • Water Buffalo, Banteng, Ajag, Javan Rusa, Java Mouse-deer, Green Peafowl, Barn Swallow, Asian Koel, Junglefowl, Crested Serpent Eagle, Changeable Hawk-eagle, Bidara, Neem, White-bark Acacia

The Stunning Grassland of Java

Because of its savanna and animals, Baluran National Park has been nicknamed the Africana of Java. Bekol, Cangkring Alas Malang, Bilik-Sijile, and Taipat are huge savannas. Bekol is the most accessible, about an hour's drive from the park's main gate. Visitors may stay in lodges with views of the savannah and be greeted in the morning by wildlife on the move and an early dawn. Then, guests may go on the savannah to catch a glimpse of the lovely morning light.. 

If you wish to witness creatures such as wild buffalo, bulls, and groups of deer seeking for food on the savanna, you can easily find them in the water puddles dispersed around the grassland. The shrieking of peacocks disrupts the quiet. When a female approaches, they shout at each other to catch the attention of the females, their wings fully extended.


The mix of different landscapes and creatures that give tourists a sense of freedom in nature.


There is also a bird-filled mangrove forest. Birds will chirp to delight travelers in the morning and evening. There are also beautiful coral reefs off the coast of Bama that may be observed when snorkeling. When we visit this location, it is quite a wonderful and full destination.

  • Location & How To Get There

    • March - September
      1. Jakarta - Surabaya - Banyuwangi: 1 hour 35 minutes

      Batangan: 1 hour driving

      1. Surabaya - Banyuwangi: 30 minutes by plane/7 hours by train

      Batangan: 1 hour driving

      1. Surabaya - Batangan: 3 hours driving
      2. Denpasar - Gilimanuk: 3 hours 20 minutes driving

      Ketapang: 30 minutes by ferry boat

      Batangan: 55 minutes driving

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