Alas Purwo National Park

Tropical forest that lines the shore
Alas Purwo Park, located in Banyuwangi, East Java, is well renowned as a rover's paradise.
  • 44,037.3 Ha
  • Javan Leopard, Javan Warty Pig, Asiatic Linsangs, Asian Small-clawed Otter, Cream-coloured Giant Squirrel, Sunda Pangolin, Sunda Porcupine, Bat, Hornbill, Egret, Tern, Kingfisher, Amboina Box Turtle

The Adventure of East Java Coast

Alas Purwo is more than simply a wilderness; it also has strong linkages to local cultural and religious subtleties. This national park is renowned as the Land of Explorers since it contains a variety of attractions that tourists must visit according to their interests. There are also religious sites within the national park, such as the Giri Temple, a Hindu place of devotion that observes the peace between the residents and nature. There are also showers that are thought to heal youth.

Beaches, forests, hills, and caverns all provide demanding and soul-satisfying adventures.

Many people like going on beach vacations, and the G-Land beach is famed for having the finest surfing waves in the world. The west side of Plengkung is home to the beach known as G-land, or the Land of Grajakan. Each wave from east to west has an own personality. In addition, the Bedul mangrove, a site that has to be conserved, has several caves that add to the area's beauty and enhance the tourism industry on Java's eastern edge.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • July - October
      1. Jakarta - Surabaya -  Banyuwangi: 1 hour 35 minutes by plane
      2. Surabaya - Banyuwangi: 30 Minutes by plane/7 hours by train

      Pasaranyar: 1 hour 35 minutes driving

      Triangulasi - Plengkung: 1 hour 30 minutes driving

      1. Surabaya - Jember - Benculuk - Pasaranyar: 7 hours driving
      2. Surabaya - Jember -  Benculuk - Pintu Bedul: 7 hours driving
      3. Denpasar - Plengkung: 2 hours by speedboat
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