Bali Barat National Park

Bali Barat National Park is located at Cekik, Gilimanuk in Jembrana Regency, Bali Province. It offers different atmosphere that most people know about Bali, on top of its wonderful biodiversity worthwhile to explore, there are unique socio-cultural condition in which the area is the home for 13 different ethnic groups and all them are living in harmony together.
Located in Northwest Bali, on the Prapat Agung Peninsula
  • 190 km2 (19,026 Ha)
  • Bali Starling, Milky Stork, Java Sparrow, Lesser Adjutant, Large Flying Fox, Hawksbill Sea Turtle, Mangroves, Indian Sandalwood, Dipterocarpus hasseltii, Wild Cherry, Rosewood

Last Frontier of Bali Starling

Located at the northwestern tip of Indonesia's most popular holiday destination, Bali Barat National Park is a natural enclave away from the usual tourist crowds. Covering an area of 190 km2, this park is home to beaches, mangroves, forests, savannas, and coral reefs. These habitats support around 175 distinctive plant types and 160 species of Bali's most precious wildlife, including muntjac deer, wild boar, flying fox, banteng, crested serpent-eagles, hawksbill turtles and leopard cats. The park is also the last refuge of the Critically Endangered Bali starling and Bali myna birds, which are endemic to the island.

Menjangan Island, one of the centre piece of the National Park, offers beautiful underwater scenery hence it became the main attraction for the tourists who visit the western Bali Island. Visitors can do out-of-the-box activities here, such as bird-watching, jungle and mangrove trekking, wildlife observation, snorkeling & diving.

With support from the Indonesian government, NGOs and the private sector, various conservation projects are underway in West Bali National Park, including tree planting, mangrove conservation and Bali starling breeding programs. The park also includes a number of small villages, where local communities are working in collaboration with ecotourism operators and park officials to ensure tourism interactions are an ethical, authentic and mutually beneficial exchange.

To-do List in Bali Barat National Park

Visitors to West Bali National Park can engage in a wide range of ecotourism activities, including cultural immersion, wildlife conservation and research efforts. Various programs are open to monetary donations and sponsorship opportunities, while many more provide practical experience of work being done to restore and conserve the parks natural resources. Other popular outdoor tourism activities in the park include snorkeling and diving trips, cruises, trekking, forest walks, cycling, swimming, kayaking, horse riding, and birdwatching.
  • Location & How To Get There

    • June - August
      • Jakarta - Denpasar : ± 2 hours and 30 minutes flight
      • Denpasar - Singaraja - Gilimanuk : ± 5 hours driving
      • Denpasar - Negara - Gilimanuk : ± 3 hours 30 minutes driving
      • Banyuwangi - Gilimanuk : ± 30 minutes on ferry
  • Contact Park

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